Night Light Chair

I told you it was R&D time in Saegerville and this one I just can't keep to myself.

Pinterest can be a time suck, no doubt about it. Before you know it an afternoon can be spent pinning dozens of images. I've compiled a number myself. I have a board that includes what inspires me to keep building. On that board one might find a couple images that look out of place (seen below). It includes accents, or as my dad might have put it "accoutrements", to items that aren't chairs. I saw these images and ... looked at them differently.

That's where the Saegerville Cedar Night Light Chair was born. How its done is relatively easy, it took me less than ten minutes once I had all the supplies. Here are all the items you need to complete this project: (Image A) a solar powered rope light kit (available at Home Depot), a hammer (this one pictured is a special hammer, you'll see it serve double duty in this post), plastic cord staples, two 1-5/8" screws, a drill with a 3/32" bit and a Saegerville Cedar chair.

Need a chair? Shoot me an email through the Contact page of this web site. This project will work on any adult sized Saegerville Cedar chair.

Next you'll want to choose the spot to mount the solar cell. I apologize but I'm going to state the obvious... unfortunately this piece can't be hidden under the chair as it needs the sun to charge the battery that powers the led lights. I chose the left back leg (image B). Next I drilled two holes through the plastic mounting tube that comes with the lights (Image C). I then screwed that plastic piece to the inside of the back left chair (Image D). Now it's just a matter of neatly coiling up the extra cord and lights on the under side of the chair seat and hammering the cord staples to hold the rope light in place (Images E and F). One thing I also did was to make sure none of the lights show through the spaces between the seat slats. Once your done the back of the chair looks like image G.

And finally, I pulled out that hammer again. It helps open an adult beverage to celebrate another creative project completed (Image H).

Here is the final product at night again.

Night Light_3 copy.jpg
